ICOFLAST 2021: Welcoming Speech from the Dean of Law Faculty of Universitas Janabadra

Assalamualaikum wrwb, good morning and greetings to all of us


resource persons:

1. Dr. Hanim Kamaruddin, LL.B, LL.M, Ph.D (Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

2. Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Bashar S. Moha ed CEng FICE (Civil and Environmental Engineering, PETRONAS University of Technology)

3. Dr. Ho Yeek Chia (Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, PETRONAS University of Technology)

4. Prof. Tomi Suryo Utomo, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D. (Faculty of Law, University of Janabadra)

The Honorable:

1. Head of Higher Education Servise Institue, Regional V Yogyakarta.

2. Chair person of Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Janabadra

3. Chancellor and Vice Chancellors Universitas Janabadra

4. Chancellor of Wjayakusuma University Purwokerto

5. Deans and Vice Deans at the University of Janabadra

6. Deans of Faculty of Law Wijayakusuma University Purwokerto

Whom we respect:

Ladies and gentlemen, presenters and authors Mr. Mrs. lecturer at Janabadra University Yogyakarta

all co ittee members, and Participants of The 2021 International Conference of Environmental Law, Applied Sciences, and Technology (The 2021 ICOFLAST) . happy one.

First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT. Almighty God, for His abundance of grace, favors, guidance, we can meet both offline and online in good health without missing anything.

On behalf of the Faculty of Law, Janabadra University, we extend our respect and gratitude to:

1. The Management of the Higher Education Foundation and the Janabadra University Rectorate, and all the co ittees that support and carry out the international conference activities.

2. resource persons from UKM and Petronas, as well as presenters and authors

3. The lecturers and all participants of The 2021 International Conference of Environmental Law, Applied Sciences, and Technology (The 2021 ICOFLAST) and at the same time express apologies, if in the organization of this international conference there are still shortcomings and mistakes.

ladies and gentlemen who I respect;

The 2021 International Conference of Environmental Law, Applied Sciences, and Technology activities are one of the supporting Main Performance Indicators, both at the Faculty and University levels to

improve the quality of lecturers’ scientific work. Topics in this activity are related to the field of environmental law, the application of science and technology.

as we collectively understand, the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as an archipelagic state must be preserved for the environment to realize the goals of the state of the Republic of Indonesia as in paragraph IV of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely protecting the entire nation and the homeland of Indonesia, educating the nation’s life and realizing prosperity and justice. Public. Various efforts have been taken by the state, co unity groups (Non Governmental Organizations), including

universities in preserving the environment, following their authorities and functions.

environmental damage, either due to natural characteristics or due to the behavior of people, and or corporations in this decade is truly alarming. Environmental damage can occur due to investment in the

mining sector, forest management with a concession system that results in forest fires, as well as natural factors such as eruptions, landslides, floods, sea abrasion, and so on. Higher education as one of the social entities, exists to participate in tackling environmental damage according to its function. This international conference was held as a means to gain theory and science in overcoming and enforcing environmental law and technology.

ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, I respect

We, the Faculty of Law, University of Janabadra, sincerely hope from competent resource persons, presenters and authors to provide enlightenment related to science in the field of environmental law and technology, in this activity. Which in the end can provide advice to the state in the context of protecting the environment, and in developing science in the field of environmental law and technology.

So what can I say, more or less, I apologize profusely.

wabilahi taufik wal hidayah, wassalam wrwb

Dr. Sudiyana, S.H., M.Hum

the Dean of Law Faculty of Universitas Janabadra